HSE Training

Bloodborne Pathogens

Training Overview

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in blood that can cause disease in humans. Employees who have a reasonably anticipated occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials must be safeguarded against bloodborne pathogens such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Bloodborne diseases and airborne pathogens can potentially result in serious illnesses and even loss of life.

This training programme provides essential information on the fundamentals of bloodborne pathogens and safeguards to prevent infection.

Who should attend?

Anyone who could be potentially at risk to regular exposure to blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious materials) as a result of performing their job duties.

Course Topics

  • OSHA’s bloodborne pathogens standard
  • Exposure Control Plan
  • Bloodborne diseases /Airborne Pathogens
  • Use of international precautions
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Engineering and work practice controls
  • Post Exposure Evaluation and Monitoring

Administration Details

Duration: 5 hours
Cost: $680 per person
Certificate: International Association of Safety Professionals Certificate with Wallet card
Prerequisites: None required
Completion Requirements: Participants will be required to undertake a written quiz with a pass mark of 75%. Should a participant encounter challenges to meet these Learning Outcomes, we will provide additional coaching as an opportunity to meet those requirements.
Refresher Training & Certification Validity Period: No expiration date is indicated on this certificate. Refresher training is recommended at intervals not greater than 3 years.

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Advanced EHS Concepts Limited

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