HSE Training

Fatigue Management Awareness

Training Overview

This Fatigue Management Awareness course will provide you with an introduction to the strategies used to minimise fatigue for drivers and operators. On completion of the ‘Fatigue Management Awareness’ course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of fatigue management
  • Identify legislation that supports the management of fatigue
  • Describe the causes, effects and warning signs of fatigue
  • Follow workplace procedures and practices to manage fatigue, and
  • Select appropriate lifestyle choices to manage fatigue

Who should attend?

This course is designed for:

  • Crew resource management and human factors staff
  • HSE department staff
  • Drivers, operators, shift workers


This programme is designed to help employees recognise signs of fatigue, take action and make lifestyle choices that reduce the potential for fatigue

Course Topics

This course covers the following topics:

  • Course introduction
  • Overview of fatigue and the legislation
  • Overview of a Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS)
  • Fatigue risk controls
  • Fatigue monitoring and review
  • Course summary

Administration Details

Duration: 4 hours
Cost: $495.00 per person
Certification: Advanced EHS Concepts Limited Awareness Certificate
Prerequisites: None Required
Completion Requirements: Assessment -Quiz (Incorrectly answered questions will be reviewed with student to ensure understanding before completion of course.)
Refresher Training & Certification Validity Period: No expiration date is indication date is indicated on this certificate. Refresher training is recommended at intervals not greater than 3 years.

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Advanced EHS Concepts Limited

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